Sakura Sadist – Steam Key – Global
“Sakura Sadist” is an immersive visual novel game that explores the dark and thrilling world of obsession and manipulation. Set in modern-day Japan, players will step into the shoes of a perplexing protagonist who finds themselves irresistibly drawn to a mysterious young woman named Sakura. As the story unfolds, players will navigate through unsettling choices and engrossing narratives, unraveling the truth behind Sakura’s enigmatic nature. With its captivating storyline, striking visuals, and morally ambiguous decisions, “Sakura Sadist” offers an intense and thought-provoking gaming experience for those seeking a journey into the realms of obsession and temptation.
English, Simplified Chinese
Sexual Content, Visual Novel, Anime, Nudity, Female Protagonist, Simulation, LGBTQ+, Mature, Hentai, Singleplayer, Cute
System Requirements
Minimal requirements
- OS: Windows XP+
- Processor: 1.2 GHz Pentium 4
- Memory: 400 MB RAM
- Graphics: 1280 x 720
- Storage: 300 MB available space
English |
Simplified Chinese |
Sexual Content |
Visual Novel |
Anime |
Nudity |
Female Protagonist |
Simulation |
Mature |
Hentai |
Singleplayer |
Cute |
Minimal requirements
- OS: Windows XP+
- Processor: 1.2 GHz Pentium 4
- Memory: 400 MB RAM
- Graphics: 1280 x 720
- Storage: 300 MB available space
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